Henry Bakor BH200SALT977 12 in. x 75 ft. BlueSkin LT Low Temperature Winter Grade Self-Adhesive Air and Vapor Low Barrier Membrane


Sale price$63.95
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Henry Bakor Blueskin BH200SALT977 12 in. x 75 ft. Self-Adhesive Low Temperature Air and Vapour Low Barrier Membrane is a self-adhered water resistive air barrier consisting of an SBS rubberized asphalt compound, which is integrally laminated to a blue engineered thermoplastic film surface. It is specifically designed to be self-adhered to a prepared substrate providing an air, vapour and water resistive barrier in full wall applications or as penetration/flashing membrane with other air barrier systems. Blueskin SA LT is designed for application at low temperatures.


  • Flexible at low temperatures
  • Impermeable to air, moisture vapour and water
  • Self-gasketing when penetrated and under compression with self-tapping screws
  • Compatible with Henry Air-Bloc fluid applied air barriers

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